Hand Bells, Desk Bells

Hand Bells, Desk Bells

(Tuned Desk Bells, Tuned Hand Bells, Handbells, Handle Bells, Tap Bells, Campanello, Campanilla, Campanilla, Campanas de Mano, Campanillas de Mano, Sonnettes, Handglockenspiel, Handglocke, Tischglocke, Sonagli a Mano, Campanilla de Recepción de Hotel, Clochettes a Mains, Handglocken, Handglockenspiel)

Mfg. by Rhythm Band Instruments

Can be played by tapping the top like desk bells, or swung like hand bells. Tuned chromatically. Pure, bright sound.

Price/Day $
This instrument is traditionally written for 1 octaves below where it actually sounds.